When we deployed our new site at Internetavdelningen last week, one of our goals was to get better at measuring conversions. Naturally, one of the main goals of the site is to convince potential clients to get in contact with us. Because our contact form is powered by the (absolutely awesome) Gravity Forms WordPress-plugin, we had to find a way to setup Gravity Forms Analytics Goals.

The easy way – a separate confirmation page

If that suits your page design and structure, it is easiest to just configure your Gravity form with a confirmation page. See the form settings screenshot below. You just have to create a page, which thanks for the submission or something like that and choose this page in the form settings.

Now it’s only left to add the page as goal to your Google Analytics profile. Click on the “Admin” item in the top menu on the right site and than on your profile in the Profiles tab, in your profile, choose the “Goals” tab and add a goal in one of the sets. Name and activate the goal, choose “URL Destination” and copy the permalink of your confirmation site into the “Goal URL” field. Now, after a few hours (or max one day) your conversion statistics should appear under “Conversions” in the “Standard Reporting” section.

How to do it without a confirmation page

As usual the easy way might not be working in your situation. So it was for us, we wanted to use the text confirmation method (see screenshot below) and hadn’t a clue how to implement that with analytics goals.

The solution was the somewhat unintuitive goal-type called “Event”. You select it instead of “URL Destination” in the goal settings.

Fortunately there is a great generator to do almost all the work for you. If you follow all the steps, including the described goal settings, the only task left is to add the generated tracking code to the submit button. That’s quite easily done with the Gform-submit-button-filter, provided by Gravity Forms.

Here is the code snippet that adds the tracking code with an onclick-handler to the submit button of the form with id=1. Add it to your themes functions.php.

EDIT:There seems to be an Gravity Forms upgrade that breaks the original code. That is because there is already an onclick-event on the submit-button in the new version. So we just have to append our tracking code to the onclick-event. Note that onclick is written in all non-capital letters, in the original version of my snippet it was onClick, which confused the HTML-parser. Thanks to @MrPeyler for sending me a note and helping me testing.

add_filter("gform_submit_button_1", "add_conversion_tracking_code", 10, 2);
function add_conversion_tracking_code($button, $form) {
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $input = $dom->getElementsByTagName('input')->item(0);
    if ($input->hasAttribute('onclick')) {
        $input->setAttribute("onclick","_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Contact', 'Information Request', 'Contact Form',, false]);".$input->getAttribute("onclick"));
    } else {
        $input->setAttribute("onclick","_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Contact', 'Information Request', 'Contact Form',, false]);");
    return $dom->saveHtml();

And here the original WordPress filter, which doesn’t work with newer Gravity Forms versions:

add_filter("gform_submit_button_1", "add_conversion_tracking_code", 10, 2);
function add_conversion_tracking_code($button, $form) {
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $input = $dom->getElementsByTagName('input')->item(0);
    $input->setAttribute("onClick","_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Contact', 'Information Request', 'Contactform',, false]);");
    return $dom->saveHtml();

Happy conversion tracking, with your Gravity Forms Analytics Goals!